Friday, November 03, 2006

If Yr a Scared Motherfucker Go to Church

Ah, Election season is upon us again. Politics here at MR have always skewed left, but I've always lived in red states under the thumb of the religious right. Here its Mormons, most other places its Evangelicals. While Mormons tend to be harmlessly quirky in their influence on politics, its downright horrfying what the evangelicals do. One need only perform aquick google search on Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell to see what basards these folks are.

Speaking of Evangelicals, did you hear about Ted Haggard. Who's Ted Haggard, you ask. Why just the head of the National Association of Evangelicals. So whay did he do? He just resigned the other day because apparently he's been paying for sex from one person for three years. Oh yeah and that person was a dude.

Now MR fully supports people fucking whoever they feel like. Funny thing is Ted haggard doesn't.He's openly condemned homosexuality. Taste that. That's irony it's delicious. Ted Haggard is a prick, apparently a deeply closeted prick, but a prick nonetheless. It reeks of American Beauty Dad self repression.

Two Links:

Article about the scandal

Haggard being a jerk to Richard Dawkins, noted evolutionary biologist and athiest. He disapproves.

So with election day looming on the horizon, one can't help but wonder how the republicans will
react to this ( Fun Fact: Haggard is a big supporter of Bush, like you hadn't guessed that already). They've already elevated playing dirty to an artform.

So we wait and see. But I hope the Ted remembers the lessons from the Hell House


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