A few posts back I wrote about The House Bunny. This past Saturday, in a haze of madness, I viewed this film.
I slapped my head in dumbfounded disgust more than I laughed. It must be said, however, that my suppositions about The House Bunny and it's place within the Movie College genre were wrong. Mostly because the characters and the sexuality in the film weren't of the adult nature that usually occupied such films. Instead the characters acted like twelve or thirteen year olds. With a definite awareness of sex, but a childish view of what it actually was.
The girls of the Zeta house where the titular Bunny goes spend all day pining away, hoping for the attention of boys and the other trappings that come with the ephemeral quality of "cool". Then when they get made over, it is with a unbearably gaudy style that looks like something out of Bratz: The Movie ( a far superior and much more interesting film, perhaps the topic of a future post). The House Bunny, finally realizes her dream and gets to be a centerfold, but in an alternate world where centerfolds don't take off their clothes and cleavage passes for titilation.
Oliver, the love interest of the Bunny, is the only adult in the film. And, as the audience, we empathize most with his incredulity at the actions of those who surround him.
The movie offends both genders throughout the second act, with its tired ideas of men not being attracted to smart women, men only wanting women who are wanted by others, women needing to dumb themselves down to seem attractive.
So the House Bunny was a movie in which hilarity does not ensue, and the only lesson to be learnt is not to waste one's money on such rubbish.